
 From the moment I tie up my hair, 
slowly, ensuring every lock cannot escape, 

my mind begins to wonder, 

I slowly shrug off my cape, 

It’s late, 

And I’ve had a long day.

Finally the release I’ve been craving for all day,

 no longer has to wait.

I turn the knob slowly, to a temperature I know is bound to make my skin melt, 

I stand, for a few seconds, gathering myself.

My feet take two steps, I can feel the coldness of the not so warm -yet, platform generate a pulse in me that makes me shiver, 

At this moment, I’m urging for the water to heat up quicker.

My thoughts vanish, one by one and my mind comes to a halt, 

I have no choice but to completely indulge,

In the way the sprinkles of water and the heat, 

caress my now tender skin, as the two simultaneously meet,

I remain completely still as I allow the water to trickle from my head to my feet.

The sweet smell of the lather I have now created could put me to sleep, 

But it isn’t long before me and the comfort of my bed meet.

I can no longer hear the force in which the water pelts itself at me,

Instead I pay attention to the way the steam has found itself captivated, 

it’s no longer free.

I can hardly see, 

but it’s creating a mood,

One too hard for my delicate body not to succumb too.

I allow my hands to appreciate my skin, for what seems like the first time, 

I run my hands across every area, every muscle, every line,

Until I have completed the course of this routine of mine –

Oh how I would give everything to be in touch with my senses like that,

Every second, 

Every minute, 

Every hour,

But some part of me is satisfied, knowing I only experience such in the comfort of a shower. 

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